A Professional Approach To Breach Of Contract Disputes
Contracts are what keep businesses operational. However, when agreements don’t go according to plan, businesses can suffer significant losses as a result. Other businesses may get into a position where they can no longer perform their stated duties and must break the contract out of necessity.
Regardless of what side of an agreement your business is on, you do not have to manage contract breaches or other business law matters alone.
Deans Stepp Law litigates and defends Texas businesses engaged in contract breach disputes. Handling both sides of these disputes allows us to create tailored and niche legal strategies that can give your business a competitive advantage in negotiations.
How Broken Contracts Affect Businesses
Businesses often rely on predictability to conduct their mission. When the parties they contract with, such as vendors, contractors or clients don’t fulfill their obligations, it can significantly harm their business’s operations and bottom line. Contract breaches are particularly common in construction litigation, where legal agreements between two parties play a significant role in carrying out larger projects.
The attorneys at Deans Stepp Law have nearly two decades of experience handling complex contract breach disputes. We listen closely to the frustrations, worries and concerns you have about the future of your business and how a contract breach could harm it. Once we have the appropriate information, we will work diligently to seek appropriate damages on your behalf.
How Staying In A Contract Can Affect Businesses
Most businesses intend to honor their contractual obligations. However, circumstances can change, which can make it difficult or impossible to fulfill those obligations. Some of those circumstances can include:
- Impossibility of performance: When contractual duties can’t be performed under normal circumstances.
- Fraud: When one party in an agreement presents misleading, false or deceitful information.
- Mutual mistakes: When parties in a contract are mistaken about a material fact in the agreement.
- A contractual breach by the other party: The other party did something that violated the obligations in the agreement.
The thought of breaking a contractual agreement can be daunting, especially when damages can be substantial. Deans Stepp Law has experience in helping businesses exit agreements they believe they can no longer fulfill. We can review contracts your business engages in and seek tailored solutions that can allow you to exit or negotiate your way out of an agreement while keeping your best interests in mind.
Stuck In A Contract Dispute? Contact Us Today.
Contract disputes can be stressful and complicated. However, no matter what side of the agreement you’re on, our diligent lawyers can handle your case with care and professionalism. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 214-572-1957 or filling out our contact form.