Trial Tested. Results Driven.

Attorney Greg Deans and Attorney Katie Stepp

Representing Clients In Wrongful Death Claims

Wrongful death lawsuits are unique in how they play out in court. There is built-in sympathy and an assumed advantage for the party filing the claim who lost a loved one. This, in turn, forces the defense attorney to be very tactical in their legal approach so as not to appear cold-hearted in challenging the accusations made against their client. Raw emotions are often on display, and it takes a skilled attorney to successfully navigate the minefields of a wrongful death lawsuit.

At Deans Stepp Law, our lawyers have represented both plaintiffs and defendants in wrongful death lawsuits for almost 20 years. Our extensive experience representing clients from both sides of the courtroom gives us a unique perspective on legal strategies in these cases. Whether you are filing a wrongful death lawsuit or need a defense attorney, we can provide the experienced counsel you need.

What Is “Wrongful Death?”

Wrongful death is the negligent actions of one party that result in the death of another. Loved ones of the deceased may seek compensation from the person or entity they deem responsible for the death. Loved ones typically use this compensation to cover lost income, funeral expenses or other related costs.

Our firm understands how emotional both sides of these cases can be, and we are here to guide you through the process. During your consultation, we listen intently to your concerns and the goals you’d like to pursue in your case. Then, we explain how your situation applies to the law and diligently advocate for your best interests. We fight hard for our clients and will remain by your side throughout your entire case.

Get An Experienced Wrongful Death Legal Team On Your Side

If you are considering filing a wrongful death lawsuit or have been named as a defendant, we can help. The attorneys at Deans Stepp Law can provide diligent defense and advocacy even when the odds seem stacked against you. Set up a free consultation today by calling 214-572-1957 or filling out our contact form.